What is the Hardest Score in Darts

By Published On: September 2, 2024

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Darts, a game that demands precision, strategy, and mental toughness, features a variety of scores that players aim for. But among these, certain scores stand out as particularly difficult to achieve. In this blog, we’ll explore the hardest score in darts, examining why it’s so challenging and how players can approach it.

Understanding Dart Scoring

Before we delve into the hardest score, it’s essential to understand how dart scoring works. A standard dartboard is divided into 20 numbered sections, with the bullseye at the center. The outer ring doubles the score of the section hit, while the inner ring triples it. The bullseye itself has two parts: the outer bullseye worth 25 points and the inner bullseye worth 50 points.

The Hardest Score: The Double 1 Finish

In darts, one of the most challenging scores to achieve is the Double 1 finish. Also known as “Madhouse,” this score is infamous among players for its difficulty and the psychological pressure it creates.

Why is Double 1 So Hard?

  1. Precision Required:
    • The double 1 segment is one of the smallest areas on the dartboard, making it difficult to hit. Unlike other doubles that are surrounded by higher numbers, missing the double 1 often results in scoring nothing, as the adjacent areas are low-value or zero.
  2. Psychological Pressure:
    • The term “Madhouse” stems from the mental challenge players face when aiming for this score. If you need a Double 1 to win, it means you’ve worked your way down to just 2 points remaining. Missing this shot can be frustrating, and the pressure to hit it increases with each missed attempt.
  3. No Margin for Error:
    • Unlike higher doubles, where a miss can still result in a decent score (like hitting a 20 instead of a double 20), missing the double 1 often leaves you with zero points for that dart. This lack of margin for error adds to the difficulty.

Other Difficult Scores in Darts

While the Double 1 finish is notoriously difficult, several other scores in darts are also challenging for different reasons:

  1. Double Bullseye (50 points):
    • Although not as small as the Double 1, the bullseye is still a challenging target due to its central location and small size. Hitting it twice in a row, or as part of a high-pressure finish, is a rare and impressive feat.
  2. Triple 20 (60 points):
    • The Triple 20 is the highest possible score with a single dart, and it’s often a critical target in games like 501. While professional players hit it regularly, maintaining consistency with this score under pressure is difficult, especially in a high-stakes match.
  3. 170 Checkout (Triple 20, Triple 20, Bullseye):
    • The 170 checkout is the highest possible finish in a game of 501, requiring two Triple 20s and a Bullseye. The precision required to hit all three targets in succession makes this one of the most difficult scores to achieve.

How to Improve Your Chances of Hitting Difficult Scores

  1. Practice Precision:
    • Spend time practicing your aim on the most challenging sections of the dartboard, particularly the double and triple rings. Regular practice on these areas will help you develop the muscle memory and confidence needed to hit them under pressure.
  2. Mental Preparation:
    • Darts is as much a mental game as it is a physical one. Stay calm and composed when aiming for difficult scores. Develop a pre-throw routine to help you focus and reduce anxiety.
  3. Analyze Your Game:
    • Pay attention to your performance during practice and matches. Identify which scores you struggle with and focus on improving those areas. Consider filming your throws to analyze your technique and make necessary adjustments.


While the Double 1 finish is widely regarded as the hardest score in darts due to its precision requirements and the psychological pressure involved, it’s not the only challenging score in the game. Understanding the difficulties associated with different scores and practicing accordingly can help you overcome these obstacles and improve your overall game.

Whether you’re a casual player or an aspiring professional, mastering the hardest scores in darts will elevate your skills and enhance your enjoyment of the game.

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